Thursday, February 21, 2019

Moroccan style couscous

I love food that has a Middle Eastern style and flavour to it. So after seeing various recipes online for couscous, I made this one!
I oven-roasted peppers, courgette and red onion (after spraying with a little oil). The couscous was prepared with vegetable stock, some spices and then, when ready, I added the roast vegetables, peas, sweetcorn, some soaked raisins, spring onions, chopped coriander and mint, and grated lemon zest. Then to serve, added a few pomegranate seeds and flaked almonds. Yum!
Very low fat, vegetarian/vegan and delicious. It was lovely on it's own, or we had some the following day with a little feta cheese!

Back soon,


  1. This looks delicious! Would make a good lunch for work too :)

  2. Yummy stuff, will be keeping up to date with this Kim.xx
